Does MELT really work?

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    Is it really possible to reduce chronic pain in as little as 10 minutes a day without medication, expensive treatments or surgery?

    Some people refuse to believe that such an option could exist, especially when it sounds so simple and affordable.

    If you’re unsure about whether MELT can really do what it promises, you are not alone, I certainly was one of those people! Read my story on my website at

    Since discovering MELT, I have spoken to many sceptics who have become fans after trying the MELT Method for themselves and seeing what it can do.

    Nancy, who I met at my first training, is a great example of this. Here’s what she thought of MELT…

    “I thought I was going to an old-style foam roller class. I didn’t want to be disrespectful, so I stayed. Within the first few minutes, I was totally captivated. That day I bought the soft roller and balls and signed up for the next instructor training. I started MELTing on a regular basis.”

    Not only did Nancy get rid of her chronic pain, she went on to become a MELT instructor as well as a MELT Master Trainer, one of only six instructors trained to teach other professionals how to teach MELT.

    Perhaps the pain you are experiencing right now has gone on for so long or is too severe for you to accept that the answer could be so simple. Maybe like me you’ve tried everything. However, the facts, and the success stories, don’t lie, I am now pain free after years of chronic pain.

    Just imagine, no more worry, no more medication and no more fear about expensive, invasive procedures. Try MELT for yourself and see what a difference it can make.