What is the MELT Method?

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    New research has revealed the missing link to pain-free living: a balanced nervous system and healthy connective tissue. These two components work together to provide your body architectural support and optimal mind-body communication. MELT directly addresses these two systems of your body in a way no other self-treatment can, including diet and exercise. You’ll see and feel results in the first session. Using specialised techniques, MELT rehydrates the connective tissue, rebalances the nervous system and restores space to compressed joints.

    The ultimate goal of MELT is to improve your body’s ability to restore balance and repair itself, which can create remarkable, lasting changes. MELT offers natural pain relief, allowing you to address the true cause of chronic pain, not just mask the symptoms.

    MELT is for anyone who wants to slow down the aging process and live pain-free. For those in their 40s, 50s, 60s and older who want to stay active, mobile and independent, MELT is a must. MELT is also for active younger adults and athletes who want a fit, healthy body and achieve optimal performance without debilitating wear and tear.  MELT is truly for everyone!